Newsletter: June 2017
President's Report: This was, as usual, a month that had fewer planned activities for MACG members. Anita, (Vice President), and I attended a function at the Maleny High School where the High School Staff thanked the many Maleny Community Groups for their contribution of library books. These books are donated in lieu of wreaths on Anzac Day. The High School organises the purchase of books, which are paid for by the Community Groups, wrapped and then placed on the local cenotaph instead of a wreath. These are collected at the end of the Anzac Service and added the High School Library. Earlier in the month Anita attended the Showground User’s Group Committee as I was unable to attend. While some of the Showground User Groups have plans for improvements, including updates required by their Governing Organisations, like us, the continuing maintenance and updates all require funding, which can be difficult to obtain.There was also the usual message of driving at no more than 10...