Newsletter: August 2017
President's Report: The month of July was very quiet, the grant was finalised and the paper work sent in, a letter of acknowledgement
was received. We can now move on to the next phase of the original grant which we will discuss at the August
The Maleny Show Society put on a afternoon tea for all the volunteers who help out at the show, the valuable
contribution of the volunteers was acknowledged, by the Show Society, a very good spread was prepared by the
members of the society, and enjoyed by the members who turned up. ~Peter
Gallery Report: July was a good month for sales but we have had quite a lot of sickness amongst our volunteers. I hope you are
all feeling better by now. Thanks to all the fit volunteers who filled in for those with ailments and for those on
I think we can take it that Winter has virtually passed us by this year but we have sold a few wintry things to
people that come from colder areas like Victoria and Tasmania. We can probably slow down on the beanies
now though as there are plenty still for sale.
Just for your information September is usually a good month for selling new baby items so if that is what you
make you may like to do a few extra. Thank you all for your efforts. ~Priscilla & Heather
Porcelain Group Report: Our little group is growing and we enjoy very happy, social and productive Wednesday afternoons. Some newer
members are learning new techniques with surprising results.
We are still making plans to have the two ladies who visited us last year to return. Good news - porcelain kiln is
being ordered and preparations for its installation have been organized.
Come along to just have a chat with us on Wednesday afternoons. Better still, join the fun. ~Kati
Fine Art and Life Drawing Group Report:
We have been a bit shy with numbers lately. People being away on holidays. Art is progressing well and we have
an Art Show for the month of September at The Garden, Maleny. This months Artist is Peta Jervois. When
at the workshop take time to admire Peta's vibrant art. ~Megan
Quilter's Group Report: The Quilting Group have been busy with Friendship Blocks that will be completed in early September, when we are planning a UFO Weekend in the Workshop. (9 – 10 September).
This month Pam Doyle has been running a workshop for seven members, who wanted some practice in the basics and tips of good quilting. This group included some older members who wanted to be updated and new members who wanted to learn more of the tricks of the trade in quilting.
Kerry Nieper, one of our most experienced quilters, has won first and second Prize at the EKKA. She commented that more members of MACG should enter the EKKA, because so many of our members do not realise what high quality art and craft we produce. ~Celia
Clay Workers Report: A big welcome back to Martina who returned on Thursday after a long battle with illness. Lovely to see you again, and can’t wait to enjoy your very special style of creation again.
A large group of clay workers enjoyed a most informative workshop with Judy Gardner on 27 July. She extended our knowledge of slip use, stains, underglazes and decoration in an entertaining way, with demonstrations of different techniques, and by showing some of her own work and explaining the methods used to achieve her results. Thank you, Judy.
Deidre is now organising a further workshop for later in the year, with Dianne Peach. Dianne will spend a day running an introduction to slip casting as a method of producing freeform and three dimensional items. The >workshop will be limited to 12 participants, and anyone interested should contact Deidre as soon as possible.
The next Raku firing will be either late September or early October. This gives plenty of time to produce some work for the firing, remembering that white raku clay definitely produces the best results.
Meike has one of her creations in an exhibition ’50 Vessels’ at The Old Ambulance Gallery in Nambour. Worth a visit before it closes on the 25 August.
Creative Glass Group Report: Members of the Creative Glass Group had the opportunity to visit the Queensland Glass Guild’s exhibition at Mt
Cootha on the 22nd July. Most of us went on with the Mystic Mountain Tours bus so we could visit Hartley Williams (our glass supplier) for some serious shopping first and then on to the Guild’s exhibition. We checked out all the displays and received a very informative and educational demonstration from Vicky on what you can do with a blow torch and a glass rod to make beads, twisties and fritsies. The exhibition was great and we came away with lots of ideas for future projects including trying pot melts. A good experiment of going with the flow, (pun intended) and lessons learnt for next time.
On behalf of the glass group ~Phillippa
Publicity Officers Report:
We have updated the look for the Blog - have a look and tell us what you think. Also, don't forget to send in photos
of what you and your group are working on so we can share them with all our members on Social Media.
Instagram: @malenyartsandcraftsgroup
~Juliana (
Spinners & Weavers Group Report:
We had a mixed month in July with many of our long term members travelling both overseas and around
Australia. We welcomed new members and discussed our options for Christmas celebrations – yes early as it
is we need to decide what and where we are going so we can secure a booking.
As a group we visited Kureelpa Spinners and Weavers Open Day and enjoyed the soup and the company! We
have been invited to Noosa Open Day next month so it is a very social time for us.
On Friday 25th we are having our “end of month” afternoon tea as well as a “Buy, Swap or Sell” day so members
bring along those loved, but not needed, items and maybe pick up some new yarns, fleece or whatever to get
excited about.
On Tuesday 29th a few of us are travelling to Redcliffe to attend an advanced weaving workshop so there will
soon be a whole new range of items coming along on Fridays.
This month’s saying: Sometimes a knitter needs the familiar feel of her favourite wooden needles in her
hands – the ones worn and bent. Like favourite shoes, they fit no one else but her. ~Robyn
Woodcrafters Group Report:
I have been on holidays fishing, (successfully) however the wood business continued in my absence and we are
awaiting delivery of 4 trees which have been slabbed and will be laid up for drying on our newly created drying
bed under the workshop. Various items are under construction, a non camphor box (commission) for a former
members wife, a musical instrument, a work bench stool ( for carving spoons etc) to name a few.
We also extend a warm welcome to new members Isaac and Roger who joined while I was away.
We still have a Camphor Blanket Box for sale if any member would like to purchase it, for the very reasonable
price of $600. Woodies meet Friday mornings 9am to Noon.
~Ray & Howard
Sewing Group Report: Our group continues to grow... welcome to Marie, Kathy, Gail and Catherine.
Thank you to Barbara for her tuition... some lovely embroidered cushions have resulted, some of us are still catching up. Thank you Barbara!
This week we will be doing charity sewing. Our thanks to Margaret who is organising us to make Capes for Kids, hoping to brighten the day for those little ones in hospitals.
Happy Sewing... ~Beverley
Thursday night pre Christmas Fair shopping is back on
~23rd December 5.30pm to 7.30pm~
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